0478 622 814 | team@pilgrimartists.com
Pilgrim Artists
A small festival of art, music, and words in Tasmania's Huon Valley
Come enjoy our 7th annual small festival of art in the Christian tradition. All are welcome.
This year's event-packed festival runs at the Huon Hub and Reba Sear from Friday to Monday, 15-18 September 2023, with the exhibition continuing through Sunday, 24 September.
Our prompt this year: Beauty in the Everyday
If you would like to make a submission to the 2023 Pilgrim Artists Festival, see details here.
Events and Activities
Check back as events are updated and added.
Festival Weekend
Friday to Monday, 15–18 September 2023
- Exhibition of visual art at:
- The Huon Hub — open 10am - 4pm
- Reba Sear — open 7am - 2pm Monday to Saturday, and 8:30am - 1pm on Sunday
- Featuring:
- Live art demonstrations
- Workshops in writing, music, craft, and art
- People's choice voting on your favourite submissions
Friday, 15 September
- Putting Everyday Beauty Into Words – Tools for Writing Descriptively
@The Huon Hub — 10am to 11am — FREE, ages 12+
- Does everything in our world have beauty? Turn the ordinary into extraordinary with writer and English teacher Daniel Watson. Especially suited for beginning writers seeking to improve their creative writing skills.
- Message us to book now as spaces are limited
- Advanced Origami Paperfolding — Fold Your Own Chess Set
@The Huon Hub — 1:45pm to 2:45pm — $3, all ages
- Origami enthusiast Peirce Baehr teaches the six patterns you'll need to fold your own set of beautiful chess pieces: pawn, knight, bishop, rook, queen, and king. Ideal for those with some origami experience.
- Message us to book now as spaces are limited. This workshop is now full.
- Basic Origami Paperfolding — Three Nature Builds
@The Huon Hub — 1:45pm to 2:45pm — $3, all ages
- Master three beginner origami builds inspired by nature: flower, butterfly, and crane. Evelyn Baehr covers the basics of this beautiful art form. Ideal for those new to origami.
- Message us to book now as spaces are limited. This workshop is now full.
- The Art of Pencil Drawing
@The Huon Hub — 3pm to 4pm — FREE, ages 13+
- Explore the practice of pencil drawing with artist Naomi Kewley. From subject selection to sketching techniques, this discussion-based workshop will look at a variety of topics, including common mistakes, how to make the most of your tools, and pro tips to bring your graphite drawings to life. The class will be discussion based, but you are welcome to bring a pad and pencil if you’d like to experiment or take notes. For adults and teens.
- Message us to book now as spaces are limited
Saturday, 16 September
- Beauty in the Garden
@The Huon Hub — 10am to 11am — FREE, all ages
- Three planty people — flower farmer Ally Wright, landscape designer Nikki Lynch, and permaculture gardener Christina Baehr — talk about what they’ve learned to help you enjoy a life-long garden that respects your local ecosystem, brings joy to your community, and points to the transcendent in everyday life.
- Message us to book now as spaces are limited
- Secrets of the Neurodivergent Writer — How to Write When Your Brain Doesn't Want To
@The Huon Hub — 11:15am to 12:15pm — FREE, all ages
- W.R. Gingell is an ADHD writer of Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, and Science Fiction. Uncover tips to overcome the challenges of writing in a world that isn't set up for neurodiverse people, learn to make the most of your specific strengths to turn out your best writing, and discover how to write (and keep writing) when your brain is fighting you every step of the way.
- Message us to book now as spaces are limited
- The Joy of Art Journaling — Keeping an Everyday Book
@Reba Sear — 12:30pm to 1:30pm — FREE, ages 9+
- Genre painter Margaret Sonnemann introduces the joys of keeping an everyday book, filled with memories and beautiful things. It takes only a few minutes to record something small: a moment of beauty from your day. In the workshop, you will experiment with a variety of materials and techniques as you explore art journaling - pencil, pen, marker, watercolour, oils, doodles, mandala, collage, etc. Materials list will be provided.
- Message us to book now as spaces are limited. This workshop is now full.
- Seeing and Responding to the Landscapes Around Us
@The Huon Hub — 1:45pm to 2:45pm — FREE, all ages
- What does it mean to really see a landscape? Bring your pens and paper and join artist Eleanor Kramer to explore and practice ways to respond creatively to the beauty of the environments around us.
- Message us to book now as spaces are limited
- Interior Styling — Finding Everyday Beauty in Your Home
@The Huon Hub — 3pm to 4pm — FREE, all ages
- Stylist and professional organiser Fiona Mason gets us thinking about our homes with everyday beauty in mind. Gain direction and practical ideas for how to create beautiful spaces within your home using things you already have or easy, low cost decor.
- Message us to book now as spaces are limited
Sunday, 17 September
- Journaling for Mental Health
@The Huon Hub — 12:30pm to 1:30pm — FREE, ages 14+
- Dr Amy Imms of The Burnout Project shares the joy of journalling for mental health. You will explore the many ways journaling can aid your mental health, and engage in some writing exercises to enhance self-awareness, process thoughts and emotions, and have a bit of fun!
- Message us to book now as spaces are limited
- Crafting a Foraged Seasonal Wreath
@The Huon Hub — 1:45pm to 2:45pm — $10, all ages
- Wreaths have been used since ancient times to mark celebrations, observe the changing seasons and enjoy the natural world. In this hands on workshop, farmer florist Ally Wright will demonstrate techniques for making seasonal wreaths using local materials. A unique creation will be yours to take home.
- Message us to book now as spaces are limited
- Capturing Your "Everyday" Aurora
@The Huon Hub — 3pm to 4pm — FREE, ages 10+
- Aurora Lady and author of The Aurora Chaser's Handbook, Margaret Sonnemann, teaches the basic steps you need to capture the elusive aurora australis on camera. Come discover ideas for image composition to help you create more than just a happy snap. Includes Q&A on aurora chasing: locations, predicting and apps.
- Message us to book now as spaces are limited
Monday, 18 September
- Recycled Jewellery Making
@Reba Sear — 10am to 11am — $5, ages 8+
- Transform an empty tin into a dainty pendant or an elegant pair of earrings. Join artist Eleanor Kramer for a demonstration and then make your own to wear home! All materials and tools included.
- Message us to book now as spaces are limited. This workshop is now full.
- More Than Eye Can See — Lifestyle Photography that Captures the Heart
@Reba Sear — 11:15am to 12:15pm — FREE, ages 10+
- Break the rules to take truer portraits, frame your subjects and settings for impact, and learn the basics of exposure to capture more than eye can see. In this practical, hands-on workshop, wedding and lifestyle photographer Naomi Mackie of Billy Button Photography shares her passion for catching inner character in her portrats, capturing people in all of their environments as they are, without posing. Bring your camera.
- Message us to book now as spaces are limited
- Why We Love Bach
@Reba Sear — 12:30pm to 1:30pm — FREE, all ages
- Musician-composer Michael Herbert will use excerpts from Bach's music to show us why he loves Bach's twisted harmonies and why you should, too.
- Message us to book now as spaces are limited
- Stories of Beauty in the Everyday
@The Huon Hub — 2:30pm to 3:30pm — FREE, all ages
- Come listen and vote for this year's winning literary entries in fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. Three short but powerful pieces from each category and age group have been selected by our curators. Now it's your turn to decide which ones win the top prize.

Exhibition Week
Tuesday to Monday, 19–24 September 2023
Enjoy the exhibition for a further six days following the festival. Art will be available to view during opening hours for the Huon Hub and Reba Sear:
- The Huon Hub — open 10am - 4pm, Mondays-Fridays
- Reba Sear — open 7am - 2pm Monday to Saturday, and 8:30am - 1pm on Sunday

Getting Here
The Pilgrim Artists festival is 35 minutes from Hobart, located in the Huon Valley at the Huon Hub (23 Main St, Huonville) and Reba Sear (121 Main St, Huonville).
Our Sponsors
We are grateful for all of our sponsors.